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BEACON Backend Project Structure

This project follows Clean Architecture with the following structure:

├── lib/
│ ├── config/ # Configuration files
│ ├── core/ # Core application logic
│ ├── data/
│ │ ├── datasources/
│ │ │ ├── local/ # Local data sources
│ │ │ └── remote/ # Remote data sources
│ │ ├── models/ # Data models
│ │ └── repositories/ # Data repositories
│ ├── domain/
│ │ ├── entities/ # Domain entities
│ │ ├── repositories/ # Domain repositories
│ │ └── usecases/ # Domain use cases
│ ├── presentation/
│ │ ├── auth/
│ │ │ ├── cubit/ # Authentication Cubit
│ │ │ ├── widget/ # Authentication widgets
│ │ │ └── screen/ # Authentication screens
│ │ ├── home/
│ │ │ ├── cubit/ # Home Cubit
│ │ │ ├── widget/ # Home widgets
│ │ │ └── screen/ # Home screens
│ │ ├── group/
│ │ │ ├── cubit/ # Group Cubit
│ │ │ ├── widget/ # Group widgets
│ │ │ └── screen/ # Group screens
│ │ ├── hike/
│ │ │ ├── cubit/ # Hike Cubit
│ │ │ ├── widget/ # Hike widgets
│ │ │ └── screen/ # Hike screens
│ │ ├── widgets/ # Shared widgets used across all presentation folders
│ │ └── splash_screen.dart # Initial screen displayed while loading
├── main.dart # App entry point
├── theme/ # Theme configurations
├── locator.dart # Dependency injection setup (using get_it)
├── router.dart # App navigation routes


  • config/ - Stores configuration-related files.
  • core/ - Contains core application logic and utilities.
  • data/ - Manages data sources, models, and repositories.
    • datasources/ - Divided into local/ (database, cache) and remote/ (API calls).
    • models/ - Defines the data structure used in the app.
    • repositories/ - Acts as an interface between data and domain layers.
  • domain/ - Contains application business logic.
    • entities/ - Defines core domain objects.
    • repositories/ - Defines abstract repositories implemented in data/.
    • usecases/ - Defines individual business logic operations.
  • presentation/ - Handles UI and state management.
    • Organized into different features (auth/, home/, group/, etc.), each containing:
      • cubit/ - Manages state using Cubit.
      • widget/ - Stores reusable UI components.
      • screen/ - Defines screens for the feature.
    • widgets/ - Stores shared UI components across screens.
    • splash_screen.dart - Initial loading screen.
  • main.dart - Entry point of the Flutter application.
  • theme/ - Centralized theme configurations.
  • locator.dart - Manages dependency injection using get_it.
  • router.dart - Defines application navigation and routing logic.

This structured approach ensures maintainability, scalability, and testability. 🚀